
Put First Things First

A timely reminder for me today, from the phenomenal Denzel Washington.  I love listening to the stories and lessons learnt from successful people.  I seek these out.  From CS Lewis to GK Chesterton.  To Kenneth Hagin, Churchill, Francine Rivers, Oprah, or Heidi Baker.  These are personal mentors I may never meet, but impact my life beyond measure.  I hear the voice of the One in them, but there truly is nothing like putting God first in my life, and following His intimate, personal direction for myself.  Success without this is no success at all.

Also I'm seven days away from my due date!  Seven days people! Until we meet our beautiful new addition, and honestly, getting my body back!  SOOOO ready!

Hoping this spring season is full of newness and creativity for you all.

Big Love


Favourite Youtube Videos Saved To My Watch Later list

I love Youtube.  I don't actually watch much TV, but I do love abit of Youtube.  I save alot of videos, and one video is often the start of an hour long bunny trail!  Anyway I thought I'd share a few here, and maybe set you off on an interesting Youtube journey too!

I'm forever working on improving my health.  I struggle with consistency, but I know I'll get there.  One thing that has successfully been incorporated into my routine is smoothies.  Ava and I have a smoothie for breakfast 2-3 times a week, it's usually a banana, spinach & mango concoction which is delicious, but I do want to find other combinations to add to our smoothie reportoire.  Here are a few ideas.  

Lisa Eldridge is one of my absolute favourite makeup artists of all time.  Along with Pat McGrath & Mary Greenwell, Lisa is my go to for true artist tips and tricks.  I adore her touch.  She never puts too much product on the face at any one time, but slowly builds to create gorgeous looks, and with so much experience, she is exceptionally knowledgeable and I learn something super handy and important from every video she uploads or blog entry she posts.  

This is just an extraordinarily simple but stunning slow motion video.  I saved this as inspiration for video ideas for the album I've recorded.  I haven't started working on anything yet, but when the time is right, I'd love to make a stunning slow mo visual to accompany one of my songs.

I have soooooooooo many fitness videos saved!  You know for those times when I decide to actually exercise, rather than just wonder why my body isn't the way I want it to be.  Youtube is a great resource for working out at home, and when I really make a decision to permanently add exercise to my life, then there is a library filled with everything I'll need.

Now everyone loves Oprah don't they? I do too, but I especially love when Oprah is the one being interviewed.  I adore hearing her stories behind the decisions she's made in her life, and the things she's learnt along the way.  She's a very generous interviewee, and this video is a classic example of that.

Do you have any Youtube videos you'd like to share.  I'm always up for exploring new bunny trails, so please do feel free to share!

New UK Music: Annastasia Baker - You Turn

I love love love new music, especially new UK music.  

It's especially fun to be a part of the creation process.  You make something, let go of it, time goes by, and somehow it's grown wings and become something even more beautiful. 

New UK Music from Annastasia Baker

The forthcoming album from Annastasia Baker has done just that. Last year I was asked to be a part of a small team to write the debut album for this X-Factor contestant and Time2Shine winner.  It was abit of a jump to go for it, as Ava was about nine months old, and I would have to bring her with me to the sessions. The team, old friends of mine, were fine with that, and it turned out that Ava was at the perfect age to come along. Not yet walking, happy to sit with me, absorb her surroundings and take frequent naps!  There's no way she could come along now! The toddler phase is real people, my girl needs constant attention and stimulation, and it would just be unfair to have her cooped up in a studio for hours on end.  Also writing Gospel music was another jump for me as I had never written music for this genre, but again the challenge was fun & rewarding.

So here's the first single 'Pass it On' from Annastasia's album, You Turn. The track is a fun, uplifting song about the cycle of love: giving love, receiving it, and giving it away again.   It features Joshua Rogers, who's vocal gymnastics are craaazy, and he really adds something special to the song, in my opinion.  


My favourite lyric :

Enveloped inside a hug

You can find the greatest love

Though it's not such a big thing to do

It's like the story of a mustard seed

Grows into a great big tree

You never know what love's gonna do


A cover of my song 'First Love' has also been included on the album, have a listen.

Like what you hear?  Pre-Order the album.

Why I'm blogging...more


So I'm currently at my local doctor's surgery getting the obligatory 28 week pregnancy glucose test. Obligatory because diabetes runs in my family, therefore a test is compulsory during pregnancy. It's 9am, blood has been taken, I had been instructed to fast since 10pm last night, and it's two hours until I can eat, after my bloods are taken AGAIN.

S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G preggo monster is an understatement!

I've not shared much personal information about myself online. I've not felt comfortable  sharing much up until now. It's not to say that I don't enjoying sharing and conversing back and forth with friends, swapping life moments, victories and war wounds, but the internet is a different beast altogether isn't it? It's a little like me standing up in this packed doctors surgery I'm sitting in and sharing the stories of my life to a willing yet opinionated audience. And it's the opinionated bit that has often shaken me. At the best of times one opens up about ones life to an understanding ear. Someone who likely already understands abit about you, and therefore listens or sees through that loving lens.  

I read a good few blogs, and watch some vlogs, and the comments section can brutal! However I've seen and follow individuals and families who handle it so well.  Their sharing has provided laughs, insight, encouragement, and a kind of comraderie that I've come to value.  I've learnt life lessons from people I will probably never meet, and have received enough light to move forward on the darkest of days, from a blog entry that spoke directly into my secret pain. 

I think the blog world is fun and significant.  I actually wanted to say important instead of significant, but that seemed too strong, even though I actually feel like blogging can be just that.  Anyway I've been wanting to jump in with both feet for a long time, and I've decided to just do it.  Although I've blogged for a few years, I would love it to become a more central outlet.  

I welcome all interaction, good and not so good, it comes with this beautiful territory for which I excitedly bound into.

So hi. My name is Bianca Rose. I'm a wife of almost 5 years to my handsome husby Kenny, mother to the endlessly vivacious Ava, and soon to be mum of two under three! Outside of my family and my faith, I am discovering the things that make me feel alive.  All involve using my creativity in some way, and I'm enjoying the journey, and learning to embrace all the amazingness I was born with.


Let's do this 😀