I Am an Independent Music Artist.  A blog by artists for artist, helping each other thrive.


Cat Lane Photography

Cat Lane Photography

I don't know how you stumbled on this page, but I'm glad you're here.  

My name is Bianca Rose and I am an independent singer songwriter amongst many other things.  Career wise music is my main thang.  I love it beyond my capacity to share.  It's a part of my core.  It is one of the main means by which I work things out.  It is my most true form of communication.  I believe it's a calling.

After releasing an EP a few years ago, writing for other artists, and being in and around the business of music, I'm gearing up to release my debut album.  After all of the hard work, set backs and pushing through, I'm really wanting to put this album out well, and establish a career where I can continue to do this for as long as I want to, and make a living that supports me and my family.  


I have so many friends in this business.  Some who are settled and happy in their creative journeys, continuing to grow as artists, and are healthy and financially fine.  Some who have left the business for a career more sure and rewarding.  Some who are struggling to just stay on the path because it feels like there is little reciprocity for the great effort they are making. Most who are somewhere in the middle.  

Additionally I've noticed that there is little to know support for the artist.  Like does an artist forum exist anywhere?  Please do tell me if there is one somewhere, but I feel as though there are numerous places for people to consume our work (yay!), but very few if any where artists can build community, ask the questions everyone else has in their heads, share tips, or make heart to heart connections.  We don't have a staff room, or proverbial water cooler to talk around, but I think we should. 

So here you'll discover articles from artist managers, to music PR agencies.  There'll be entries about mental health from experts passionate about the mental and emotional welfare of artists, to articles on how best to book a tour from artists who have done it often and well.  

Artists aside from myself will share their journey and wisdom here, as well as there being a monthly devotional to help us stay encouraged in our creative endeavours.  

I also intend for this space to document my musical journey and grow. And also how I'm learning to interact with and package my music in a way that affords me the luxury (and it shouldn't be a luxury) of truly choosing this as a career that pays in every way a career should.

I'd also love for this space to grow into a forum of sorts, and for us all to share our journey and our learning.  We can help each other win, after all there is space for us all, we just need to find OUR place.

Here we will document the richness of life an an independent artist, the rewards outside of finance, the internal tussles, & the work to stay healthy, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

So join me! 


Bee x